Help, I Think I’m a Hypochondriac! Who Can Help Me?

Are you always worried that you’re on the verge of getting sick? 

Every little ache, pain, and weird-looking spot sends you running to your laptop, where you sit and search for what your symptoms might mean. Before you know it, hours have passed, and you’ve got yourself convinced that you’re developing a chronic illness and need to head to the hospital, stat.

Perhaps your family and friends try to reassure you that everything is fine, but you can’t help but stay awake at night and worry that you’re genuinely ill. 

If this sounds familiar to you, you might already be wondering if you’re a hypochondriac. You want to stop feeling so anxious, but you can’t do it on your own, and you don’t know where to turn. Here are a few tips for seeking hypochondriac help.

Log Off

Maybe you woke up with a cold, you feel a bit nauseous, or you’ve had a bad headache all day. If you’re a hypochondriac, your first move might be consulting Google to see what these minor symptoms could add up to. But spending too much time online, especially on medical forums, can leave you worrying about all kinds of illnesses. 

No matter who else you turn to for hypochondriac help, limiting your screen time is a good idea. Remember, a diagnosis from an anonymous person on the Internet is not a substitute for real medical advice. 

Talk to Your Doctor

Perhaps you still need to know that these symptoms are “all in your head,” and that you do have a clean bill of health, after all. To get some straight answers, make an appointment with your primary care doctor for a routine check-up and bloodwork. 

This approach is helpful for two reasons. First, if anything is wrong, you’ll be able to start treatment. But more likely, everything will be fine, and you’ll know for sure that you are dealing with hypochondria, not a life-threatening physical illness. 

See a Therapist

Therapists aren’t just for people suffering from generalized anxiety or clinical depression. People dealing with all kinds of difficulties go to therapy, including hypochondriacs. 

It’s okay to feel nervous about seeing a therapist! Most people do before their first sessions. But for a hypochondriac, therapy can make a world of difference. The right therapist will be patient, understanding, and nonjudgmental. 

Consider a Specialist

If you suspect that you might be a hypochondriac, you might want to consider seeking out a therapist who specializes in hypochondriac help. Yes, this can take a little more time and effort, but it will probably be worth it in the end. 

Some researchers suspect that hypochondria is closely related to both OCD and anxiety. Therefore, working with a specialist who has experience in both of these areas can be beneficial. A specialist can help you with talk therapy and medication if you so choose.

Lean on Your Loved Ones

You might worry that your loved ones are exasperated by your anxiety around your health. Perhaps you feel ashamed because you’ve complained to them about the ailments you suspected you had in the past, and you’re not sure if they want to hear about your path to treatment. 

But your real friends will feel sympathy for you. When you do decide to seek help, you may feel better if you open up to them about what you’re going through. If you need a shoulder to lean on at this time, don’t be ashamed to tell your loved ones. 

Looking for San Diego therapists who can help you along your journey to treating anxiety and hypochondria? Contact us today to discuss your options or visit our specialties page today.